The Scarlet Shadow

A Psychological Sci-Fi Thriller

To find a killer, one must think like a killer.

To kill a killer, one must become a killer.

Those are the fundamental rules of my mission. The mission is paramount, it is unavoidable. Some things in the universe are too dangerous to exist, so they must be purged. And they are too dangerous to exist. They are harbingers of pain and suffering in this doomed galaxy, masquerading as renegades with a cause. But their only cause is death. And so is mine.

I am the necessary evil the universe requires to maintain its balance. My mission is vindication, it is revenge, and his death will not be in vain. His killers will not go unpunished.

On an odyssey like mine, one often discovers that there is nowhere to go back to once the journey is over, the man you once were inside is gone forever, and there's nowhere you can truly exist in peace. By the end of it I will bathe in blood, not because I want to, but because I have to. 

This is my destiny, and this is my curse.

I am The Scarlet Shadow.

Nothing can stop me now.
